
- date
- January 15, 2011
- Venue
- Listgreinahús Háskóla Íslands, Skipholti 37, 3. hæð. Stofa L303 for session and then hands on workshop in the computer lab at 1st floor stofa L109.
- Time
- 10:00 - 13:00
- Description
- Wikipedia, wikis and Open Educational Resources. Seminar and workshop.
- Short presentations 7-10 min.
- Opening (Salvör Gissurardóttir and other Icelandic wikipedians (videos + short overview of Icelandic and English Wikipedia and wikis in general)
- Allyson Macdonald (open research data)
- Sólveig Jakobsdóttir (open educational resources)
- Hróbjartur Árnason (Wikis in adult education)
- Ásrún Matthíasdóttir (working with students writing wikibooks)
- Tryggvi Björgvinsson (
- Salvör Gissurardóttir (wikipedia as activity system. Icelandic wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, Wikibooks, Wikiversity)
- Oddur Vilhelmsson (The Biotechnology Portal in the Icelandic Wikipedia)
- Morten Lange (use of wikis within Síminn, an Icelandic telecommunications company)
- Organizers
- Wikipedians in Iceland, Isfoss (Icelandic society for open source in education and OER),RannUM (The Centre for Research on ICT and Media in Education at the University of Iceland – School of Education) and FSFI (Icelandic society for digital freedom)
Contact person: Salvor Gissurardottir (salvor tel. 354 6948596