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From Wikipedia 10
Meet up for anyone wanting to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the world's largest encylopaedia. Simultaneous events taking place on this day across the globe. Meeting at Gray's monument at 12pm to have coffees and teas in the cafe on the corner there. If you fancy coming along, do so! Nothing formal, one coffee or two or more.
Harry, 21. Student of International Politics at Aberystwyth university, west Wales but home in northern England for the weekend.

Kundi - 07960526685 i'm definatly up for that, it should be pretty good though James - sorry could not attend. will come for 12th/15th/20th/25th etc..

Kieran - 0779453424 Sounds great can i bring my kids along aged 10-13? Interested Persons Leave Numbers Here By Clicking Edit