This event is hosted by the University of Bristol. The costs of the event are being met by HP Labs. The marketing is provided by the Bristol Festival of Ideas & it is highly likely that BBC Anchor Trust will film the event and make the recording free under a public domain or CC-by-SA licence (still to be confirmed)
- Event Name: Wikipedia at 10
- Date: Thursday, 13 January 2011
- Time:· 12:00 - 13:00 (doors open 11.30: attendees must be seated by 11.45)
- Victoria Rooms, University of Bristol, BS8 1SA
Description: Jimmy Wales talks about the development and future of Wikipedia
In association with Bristol Festival of Ideas, Bristol City Council, BBC Anchor Trust and Wikimedia UK: a special event to mark 10 years of Wikipedia with the man behind the project.
A decade ago the idea of a constantly updated online encyclopaedia, which would be collaboratively written by tens of thousands of people and read by hundreds of millions, was a dream. Since then, Jimmy Wales has inspired others to join him, and has formed a 100,000-strong online volunteer community, which has built Wikipedia into a worldwide force for free learning and general education, run with modest resources, engaging communities worldwide. It's now firmly established, but where will it go next?
This is a rare opportunity to hear Jimmy Wales talk about the history of this remarkable project as well as the plans for future development.
- To reserve a seat please mail: jimmywales-bristol
- Phone hotline is: 0117 928 8515
- Free event but must book seat in advance Steve virgin 11:21, 23 November 2010 (UTC)
After this event, there will be a get-together at en:Watershed Media Centre, to which all local Wikimedia contributors are invited. See the discussion at en:Wikipedia_talk:WikiProject_Bristol#Free_Event:_Jimmy_Wales.2C_Founder_of_Wikipedia.2C_Talks_in_Bristol
MartinPoulter 23:14, 29 November 2010 (UTC)
A recording of the talk can be seen here. Smartse 17:23, 18 January 2011 (UTC)
BBC Anchor Project has also made a professional recording of the Jimmy Wales speech in Bristol - they are donating it Public Domain licence to the community - should be available next week Steve Virgin 23:41, 18 January 2011 (UTC)